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La Patasola the most evil being ever existed – Colombian myth

    Do you remember that friend that everyone loves? with the best attitude to difficulties, in addition, he wants to help  everyone.

    Well, this is a real story about Richard. He joined a group of environmental defense volunteers, one night, the went to a mission to help and care for the victims from heavy rains. It was an area of difficult access, surrounded by a dense jungle while the rain continues.

    Heavy rain in the Jungle

    The volunteers have a lot work to do, the coordination of the delivery of provisions and avoid the riots.

    The plan is simple: Some of the volunteers are in charge of food delivering, meanwhile others volunteers will help the refugees with different tasks, such take care of the sick and children. This was the group Richard was in.

    The group of volunteers settled in, Richard walk around to meet the people and start caring for them. He has the medicines for the basic first aid, he will have a long night and the next days he will be very busy.

    Soon, Richard was  known there, he is now friend with many people  … also, there is one child in particular who suffered an accident in his leg, thanks to Richard’s care, the child is recovering and now can walk.

    Richard and the child became good friend; but, one morning Richard did not see him, it was curious, every day the child met with his friends to play for a while; however, that day he was not there playing. In fact, he did not see any children and thought that something is wrong and went to the child’s shelter.

    Richard walked among the improvised shelters. He sees that all the children were there, Richard arrives to the child’s shelter, the mother is there, then ask her for the child.

    – He is fine Richard, you don’t have to be here all the time – she is clearly upset.

    She replied that her son is fine – Richard you don’t have to be there all the time- She looked upset, Richard insisted. He wanted to checks the child and confirm his condition, so the mother went out to find him.

    Richard can now checks the child’s leg, it is healing, had no signs to be damaged, Richard ask him:

    – Why didn’t you go with your friends to play?, you scared me.

    – Because the monster woman takes me to the jungle – That answer left Richard more nervous than before.

    – Who is that woman? – then the child’s mother interrupts the conversation and takes the child out, that piqued the curiosity of Richard, and thought about it all day.

    The rest of the day, Richard worked checking the sick people, This time only adults came, but he didn’t attend any child, by the end of the afternoon he is waiting outside the medical tent, when suddenly he feels that someone is looking at him.

    A very beautiful woman is watching him, Richard and the woman cross glances, then she leaves immediately.

    Richard have never seen that woman. Hard to believe because it would be easy to remember that beauty. Richard sees how the woman is heading towards the shelter of his little friend, so, he went that way too.

    In his way, Richard hears a wail of a woman, nobody there reacts, nobody there came out from the other shelters, Richard walks faster, it takes an eternity to reaches the place, where the woman cries.

    Richard finds a woman is crying on the floor, is the child’s mother, but the child is not there. Instinctively Ricardo remembered the words that the child said to him in the morning: “The monstrous woman takes me to the jungle” … Richard started to run in that direction.

    Richard is running,  then … he stopped when reached  the beautiful woman from before, he could see that she is trying to kidnap the child.

    The woman is carrying the child, lays him on the floor.

    Opens her big mouth and … She wanted to devour the child. Ricardo reacts, screams with all his might:

    – “Hey monster! Leave him alone!”.

    The woman stands up, showing Richard her true form, he is shaking, cannot hide his fear.

    The woman is very tall. Her thighs are joined into one leg. Where she should have have her foot, there is instead a hoof,  what you can see on her face are large fangs that she proudly showed to  Richard, he is now her prey.

    She threw herself, but he is very lucky, refugees hear the screams and arrived armed with knifes, machetes and other tools. 

    The infernal woman frightened, and flees into the jungle taking great leaps, forgetting Richard and the child forever.

    La Patasola is one of the most evil beings.  She hates fire, machetes, that makes her run way.

    Richard and the child were very lucky. They did not see La Patasola never again, but they known that she is still in the jungle ready to hunt.

    Richard never told this story to anyone, someday he decided to tell me, so i came to told you.